All Right Mr. DeMille, I'm Ready For My Close-Up

I got to do something cool this morning: I was one of about 100 season ticket holders chosen by the Rockies to audition for a cameo in this year's TV commercials.
The Rockies have declared 2012 to be the "Year of the Fan." Accordingly, they're doing all sorts of thing to feature their loyal subjects. Including fans in the commercials is one thing. Putting photos of fans on the season tickets is another. A nice way of thanking the customers.
My audition consisted of a five-minute on-camera interview, then a script reading. I chose a scene from Field of Dreams. Then with the director as my partner, we read the script from last year's "Twitter" commercial with Dexter and Todd. I read the Todd role, straight the first time, then again in kind of a southern twang.
On the way out, there was another on-camera interview to find out what I thought about the whole deal. It was great fun, even if that's the end of it. If I'm chosen to be in a spot, I'll be thrilled! I'd have to wear my "As Seen On TV" shirt to the ballpark more often.
I find out if I made the cut next Friday.
The Rockies PR folks sent some tweets out over the course of the day, including one with this photo of me in the audition. I told you this was cool!
©2012 Douglas T. Dinsmoor
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